Make laddu

 To introduce the **Abstract Factory** design pattern, we need to encapsulate the creation of different types of laddus into separate classes. The `LadduFactory` will be responsible for deciding which laddu to create based on user input, adhering to the **Abstract Factory** pattern.

Here’s how you can modify your existing code with the **Abstract Factory** design pattern:

### Code Implementation:


using System;

class Program


    static void Main(string[] args)


        // Ask the user if they want Tirupati Laddu

        Console.WriteLine("Do you want Tirupati Laddu? (y/n)");

        // Read user input

        string ans = Console.ReadLine();

        // Create a factory based on the user's input

        ILadduFactory ladduFactory = LadduFactoryProducer.GetFactory(ans);

        // Check if a valid factory is returned

        if (ladduFactory != null)


            // Create the laddu from the selected factory

            ILaddu laddu = ladduFactory.CreateLaddu();





            Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice. Please enter 'y' or 'n'.");




// Abstract Laddu interface

interface ILaddu


    void Make();


// Concrete Laddu classes

class NandnaLaddu : ILaddu


    public void Make()


        Console.WriteLine("Make this laddu with Nandna ghee.");



class ARDairyLaddu : ILaddu


    public void Make()


        Console.WriteLine("Make this laddu with AR Dairy ghee.");



// Abstract Factory Interface

interface ILadduFactory


    ILaddu CreateLaddu();


// Concrete Factories

class NandnaLadduFactory : ILadduFactory


    public ILaddu CreateLaddu()


        return new NandnaLaddu();



class ARDairyLadduFactory : ILadduFactory


    public ILaddu CreateLaddu()


        return new ARDairyLaddu();



// Factory Producer to select the appropriate factory based on user input

class LadduFactoryProducer


    public static ILadduFactory GetFactory(string answer)


        // Convert input to lowercase to make the comparison case-insensitive

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer) && answer.ToLower() == "y")


            return new NandnaLadduFactory();


        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer) && answer.ToLower() == "n")


            return new ARDairyLadduFactory();


        // Return null if the input is invalid

        return null;




### Breakdown of the Code:

1. **`ILaddu` Interface**: Defines the method `Make()` for all types of laddus.


2. **Concrete Laddu Classes**:

    - `NandnaLaddu`: Implements `ILaddu` and defines making the laddu with "Nandna ghee".

    - `ARDairyLaddu`: Implements `ILaddu` and defines making the laddu with "AR Dairy ghee".


3. **`ILadduFactory` Interface**: Declares a method `CreateLaddu()` for creating different types of laddus.


4. **Concrete Factory Classes**:

    - `NandnaLadduFactory`: Creates `NandnaLaddu`.

    - `ARDairyLadduFactory`: Creates `ARDairyLaddu`.


5. **`LadduFactoryProducer` Class**: Contains the logic to select the appropriate factory based on user input. If the user enters `'y'`, it returns a `NandnaLadduFactory`, otherwise, it returns an `ARDairyLadduFactory`.

6. **Main Method**: In the `Main` method, we get the appropriate factory using the `LadduFactoryProducer`, create the laddu, and call the `Make()` method to display which ghee to use.

### Benefits:

- **Separation of Concerns**: Laddu creation logic is separated into factories.

- **Extendibility**: You can easily add new types of laddus without changing existing code by adding new factories and laddu types.

- **Abstract Factory**: The pattern allows for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.

This structure enhances maintainability and scalability in a larger system where you might have multiple types of laddus and corresponding creation logic.


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